Clear Cooperation Policy
MAY 1, 2020
The MLS creates an efficient marketplace and reinforces the pro-competitive, pro-consumer benefits that REALTORS® have long sought to support.
The intent of the new Clear Cooperation Policy is to solidify those essential assets of a listing service, foster cooperation among brokers and advance the positivity that cooperation fosters for consumers.

Section 1.01 - Clear Cooperation
Within one (1) business day of marketing a property to the public, the listing broker must submit the listing to the MLS for cooperation with other MLS participants. Public marketing includes, but is not limited to, flyers displayed in windows, yard signs, digital marketing on public facing websites, brokerage website displays (including IDX and VOW), digital communications marketing (email blasts), multi-brokerage listing sharing networks, and applications available to the general public. (Adopted 11/19)
Section 1.3 Exempt Listings
If the seller refuses to permit the listing to be disseminated by the service, the participant may then take the listing (office exclusive) and such listing shall be filed with the service but not disseminated to the participants. Filing of the listing should be accompanied by certification signed by the seller that he does not desire the listing to be disseminated by the service.
Breaking it down
If the public knows about that listing...
…the professionals within the cooperative should know about that listing.
The new policy specifically defines public marketing. Remember, this includes any marketing done by the seller or agent. For example, if an office exclusive property is shared on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) by the seller or agent, the listing must be submitted as active within one business day of that marketing.
Public marketing includes, but is not limited to →